The Prayer Room

“A prayer room is first and foremost a living room-a place where the Father waits for his children to come and climb into his arms. It's a place where we can experience peace so that we can make peace later. A place where we can accept forgiveness so that we can live our lives as priests at work. A place where we receive our Father's acceptance so that we can love even those who laugh at us later in the day.” - Pete Greig, founder of the 24/7 Prayer movement

The Prayer Room at CDA Bible Church is a place for intimacy and communion with God, through which we beleive He desires to heal, equip, and send out his church. The Prayer Room is located here at the church building, in the northwest corner of the Worship Center. We desire it to be used by individuals and groups, folks from our church, and from throughout our wonderful community! Small groups, discipleship groups, prayer groups, youth ministry, kid's ministry, ministry to the lost and oppressed, worship; you name it! The Prayer Room is for everyone.

How to Make Use of the Prayer Room

To make use of the Prayer Room you will need to to reserve time through our scheduling app, using the red button below. The scheduling app also provides our in-depth guidelines for appropriate and respectful use of the Prayer Room during your scheduled time.

If you have any questions about the Prayer Room, or our guidelines, please email Pastor Zach: